I love film because sometimes it comes out sooooo imperfectly perfect and flawed. I think film photography is our closest way of emulating human memories. The memories of your mind are always missing pieces; they’re hazy, they’re unclear - but their core essence is there. Sometimes you forget them and they come back. Much like you finish a roll of film, forget about it, finally hand it in for processing, receive the exposures and woah. Here comes the memories - fleeting, hazy, a little blurry, imperfect - but ultimately a physical relic of a moment in your life. In our overstimulated, overprocessed, instant gratification world… Isn’t that kinda amazing?
Over the years, my love for film has become a way for me to document my life and the people that I cross paths with in a way that helps me connect to my memories and reflect on my life. It's my greatest treasure and hobby.
And since I think portfolios should reflect who you are, I've decided to include a few of my all time favorite film photos.